Silver Linings Playbook (2012)

Silver Linings Playbook (2012) is led by the force of its actors – Jennifer Lawrence, Robert de Niro and Bradley Cooper – who deliver each line/scene with such authenticity that one can’t help but acquiese in the unfolding drama. Also, the script is clever, reflecting dysfunctional but charming relationships between characters. Even though the plot builds up to the dance competition, the performance is nothing spectacular. In fact, the dance is a mash-up of different genres, from Waltz to the iconic lift in Dirty Dancing. This is a jarring contrast from previous performances by professional salsa dancers. Perhaps it is done on purpose to show just how different they are from ‘normal people’ and how his crazy fits her crazy. Well, overall it is a great movie because there is undeniable chemistry between Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper. They make it their own crazy love and it works.

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